CARAGA: Dottie's Place Hotel, Butuan City
Traveled alone in this city ahead of all his officemates, checked in at Dottie's Place along Butuan's main artery,Jose C. Aquino Avenue, which would be his home for a few days loaded with official things to do but managed to squeeze sometime to wander around.

Review and Comments: Dottie's Place is a nice, cheap hotel in the city with nice facilities for the price though there are cheaper accommodations available. The only problem he's had in this hotel was that on his first night, he received a call apparently from the hotel staff asking him if he ordered a massage. He later found out what the girl meant was if he wanted some "company" for the night. The security guard, unknown to the hotel management, is letting the pimp to do her job under his watch.
In later posts, Tutubi will take you on another journey in history as he explores the city of the balangay, the boat of ancient Butuanons and from where the barangay, the smallest unit of government in the Philippines, was named after.
Where to Stay in Butuan (hotels/inns/pensions/motels):
Almont Inland and Convention Center
ALmont Hotel
Dottie's Place Hotel
Hotel Karaga
Balanghai Hotel
Butuan Royal Plaza Hotel
Luxury Hotel
Embassy Hotel
Emerald Villa Hotel
Jet's Inn
Luciana Convention Center
Lucianna Inn
FortuneInn 1
Fortune Inn 2
Hensonly Plaza Lodge
Lucky Inn
Imperial Lodge
Mavel's Lodge
Maxcer Lodge
Donia Lodge
Country View Lodge
Mitz Lodge 1
Mitz Lodge 2
Adlin Lodge
Orient Lodge
Julian's Pension
Beverly Pension
Majestic Pension
White House
Wendells' Place
Caraga Ultimate
Source: Butuan Tourism Brochure
Can't recommend the best one nor the cheapest one, not much information available on the brochure.
Tutubi will update this page later for the contact number, details, room rates, official websites... :P
Labels: Agusan Del Norte, Butuan City, Caraga, Hotels and Resorts
posted by GingGoy @ 9:12 PM,
- At Jan 15, 2008, 8:26:00 PM, said...
Agusan del Norte; the name reminds me of Surigao del Norte which I've been wanting to visit. Read that it was the surfing capital. Have you been there before?
(: - At Jan 15, 2008, 9:38:00 PM, said...
Dami palang matutuluyan sa Butuan. Hopefully mapaunalakan ko invite ng kakilala ko dyan one of these days at malibot din yan
- At Jan 15, 2008, 10:51:00 PM, x said...
i like the color scheme they used in the room! :)
- At Jan 15, 2008, 11:34:00 PM, GingGoy said...
kyels, surigao del norte is about 3 hours land travel from butuan as i've learned since iwas considering going there. never been there but hope to go there someday
ferdz, i have a pending return trip there this year. di ko pa schedule
acey, it's cozy.i will also update this to include room rates :P - At Jan 17, 2008, 7:52:00 PM, said...
i've never been to butuan. Not really. just passed by it on a davao-cagayan trip.
Mr dragonfly, I'm gonna link you now in my blogroll. I wasn't really able to access this site in the past. It wouldn't load sa browser ko. - At Jan 17, 2008, 10:12:00 PM, GingGoy said...
lazarus, thanks for the link. you must've tried to access this when the labels script iused created havoc making this blog time out.
- At Feb 8, 2008, 2:49:00 PM, thinkerthird said...
It's such a shame that our airport is like that considering that it underwent rehabilation.
I'm just kind of surprised with Dottie's. I didn't know that they also have that kind of "business." I thought it only exists in some other hotels. Tsk. Tsk. - At Feb 12, 2008, 5:23:00 PM, jet descallar said...
hello everyone!
butuan city is a very nice place to visit, plus there's a lot of history in it.
dottie's place is a nice place to stay while you're in there, last i check their basic rates are just about 1T a night. Another good places to stay are Almont Hotel and the Almont Inland Hotel.
don;t worry about the airport, its up for improvement soon, they're making it an international class airport. :)
this makes me want to make a full promotion material for butuan city! hehehe
jet - At Jun 20, 2008, 8:57:00 AM, said...
Hello there. Was wondering if you have the contact information for Dottie's place? I've been trying to look online to no avail! Thanks :)
- At Jun 22, 2008, 8:59:00 PM, GingGoy said...
ella,of all things i forgot here were the phone numbers. Dottie'spalce's number is +63.85.341.4575
will also update the contact numbers of the others sourced from the Butuan Tourism Brochure (look at how pathetic tourism officials here are, they love to make brochures but not update websites) - At Aug 17, 2008, 2:04:00 AM, said...
Every ...and I mean every time my fiancée and I have stayed there for the past 2 years (like 7 different times for more than a months worth of days) we have had great service and a relaxing stay. About the whole escort thing...I am not saying that it is not possible, but we never have even had the remotest notion that that was going on. So I find it really hard to believe. It sounds more like an isolated thing that someone is spreading around to make it sound worse than it was. Or just a horny dude wishing aloud.
- At Aug 17, 2008, 9:19:00 AM, GingGoy said...
Rich, the guard is in connivance with the pimp in that place. They won't call or knock on your door so sell their "wares" simply because you have your fiance with you. They know who's alone in their room. It happened to me and to my officemate, it's not hearsay, and definitely not a "horny dude wishing aloud."
- At Apr 23, 2009, 1:22:00 PM, said...
anyone can refer me a hotel in butuan city with wireless?
- At May 16, 2009, 10:49:00 AM, said...
na duty ako sa dotties this year lang at gusto kund mag trabaho don dahil ganda ng place tsaka maraming amenities ang nandon;makatrabaho ako someday pag tapos kung mag aral;nice staff ang nandon even mr. wewe the owner is very cute;hehehe....tsika balang
- At May 26, 2009, 2:55:00 PM, said...
dottie's place hotel is really a nice place to stay. with good facilities and and nice staff
- At Jul 23, 2009, 10:07:00 AM, said...
I was surprised,Dotties is a nice place.I'll be back soon.I wish they have their own website.
- At Aug 1, 2009, 5:19:00 PM, said...
sorry but dotties is not a CHEAP hotel na pwedeng gumala ang mga call boys o call girls, kumg sino mang sekyu yon dapat matanggal at sa mga bars na lang sya magtrabaho, dapat u took his name para mablacklist , i think the dotteis mgt. doesnt tolerate that kind of kababuyan thank you and we hope when you post in the futre good things naman about butuan hinda mga carnal experiences
- At Aug 1, 2009, 10:11:00 PM, GingGoy said...
anonymous, sorry but i really don't sugarcoat. i post what i experienced with no bias. read through my other posts on butuan and you'll see what i mean. I also didn't accept the offer so there's no carnal experiences here. I don't advocate sex tourism but respect for women (see my other posts on that too). the guard approach my officemate for girls, not I, I only found out about it when we got together. What i got, as i've said above, was a call for "massage" in the middle of the night that i declined.
- At Aug 3, 2009, 5:42:00 PM, said...
prostitution is prt and parcel of an urban center like butuan city , its not a small and quiet city but a bustling one, cgayan and davao have this menac e also, its up to u if you let urself be engulfed with it, we hope u visit butuan in the near future
- At Aug 5, 2009, 9:39:00 PM, GingGoy said...
anonymous, right you are. it's a fact of life, sad but true. i just don't know if you're talking to me or to the other anonymus commenter for i've been to Butuan but don't when will I be back
- At Aug 19, 2009, 5:55:00 PM, dodong flores 도동 플로오리스 said...
I've never heard of this Dottie's Place during my college days. Baka bago na ito...
- At Aug 23, 2009, 3:11:00 AM, said...
gee i'd like to learn more
- At Oct 15, 2009, 4:51:00 PM, said...
I just got back from Butuan. My girlfriend is from the provinces in Mindanao and being that I flew into there I thought id check it out. We stayed at the Almont Hotel (not the Almont resort), which is in the center of town. We payed $34 a night at the hotel, which was very nice by Philippine standards. I experienced some of the cheapest prices i've ever seen on anything you can imagine. Although I am not a rich american, I felt like a king in this town. Everyone in butuan was helpful and friendly and I really enjoyed my stay there.
- At Feb 4, 2010, 3:48:00 PM, Butuan City Website Design said...
Great guide about traveling to Butuan and staying in one of the few popular hotels here. I didn't know the massage part existed in such an exclusive place. But anyways, thanks for this.
- At Feb 27, 2010, 7:57:00 AM, said...
I was Butuan Dec 09 with fiance we ate in Dotties and had a stroll around place very clean and pool/outside area is lovely.
We stayed in another hotel further in town more expensive and was terrible.
Im booking into Dotties this coming May 2010 - At May 21, 2010, 9:27:00 PM, said...
I have stayed at both the Almont Inlan and Dotties while on previous visits to Butuan, both are very good quality and the food is good. Personally I like the Almont Inlan Hotel better because you have a small veranda outside each room so you get some private seating area and it is also much quieter because it is set back from the road. I will again be in Butuan in July 14th with the wife and kids and have not decided which we will be staying at before we travel to stay with her parents. To summarise I have found both hotels very good and have had enjoyable times in each
- At Jun 13, 2010, 5:44:00 AM, said...
I had a great time at the Balanghai Hotel and Convention Center. They hava great service. The personel is very friendly. The pool is great and we had a great evening/night at the karaoke bar. Check them out at:
- At Apr 5, 2016, 1:59:00 PM, boy_@floral said...
pls any na may alam saan pede makontak yung ganun? hindi nmn cguro alam nang managment nang dotties un.. pro penge po nang kontak..tnx
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